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Article: confern - Sustainability gets up to speed
Article: confern - Sustainability gets up to speed



Article: confern - Sustainability gets up to speed

Our environmental management enables us to better identify, monitor and analyze environmental and resource-related impacts. Our goal is to consistently improve environmental and resource protection not only at the company level, but also at the cooperation level.

For the confern Group, environmental protection, moving, forwarding and logistics are not contradictory. We are convinced that there is considerable potential to reduce the ecological footprint in our industry as well. Our main focus is on sustainable transportation, i.e. further reducing the environmental impact and emissions that arise, especially greenhouse gas emissions, by maximizing the utilization of cargo space and shortening standing and waiting times during loading and unloading.

We believe that in the future it will play a significant role in the selection of transport service providers whether the company can demonstrate ecological sustainability.

The IHK magazine has become aware of us and has even published an article in the section -FROM THE COMPANY- about confern Möbeltransportbetriebe GmbH.

Nachhaltigkeit kommt auf Touren
Nachhaltigkeit kommt auf Touren

Umweltbewusst umziehen nach DIN ISO 14001

Wir fahren nur mit den
Emissionsklassen EURO 5+6

  • Moderne LKW Flotte
  • Einsatz wiederverwertbarer Materialien
  • Abfall vermeiden statt Abfall entsorgen
  • Zertifizierung nach DIN EN ISO 14001
  • Verantwortungsvoller Umgang mit Energie und Wasser
DIN ISO 14001
DIN ISO 14001


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